Saturday 12 February 2011

Week 2 Next lesson.........


  • Consider what a theme is.
  • What is ambition?
  • Where does the theme of ambition feature in Macbeth?

Week 1: Discussion Question

Why does Shakespeare open the play by showing the witches? Why is it good for Macbeth not to appear first?

Consider this question and discuss by posting your thoughts below. Remember to use full sentences and paragraphs.

Friday 11 February 2011

Week 1: Macbeth Key Facts Homework

I want each of you to post a key fact about the character of Macbeth. In next weeks lesson we will be creating a fact file on Macbeth. Remember I want a different fact from each of you.

Week One: Extended Learning.

Task 1:

In your books write down a synopsis for this video.

Task 2:
Post it online:
Once you've done that tell me what mood is created in the video clip?
How did it make you feel?
Remember not to copy what other people have written.

Pre-learning Activity.


Using these pictures tell me what you think Macbeth is about?
Post your thoughts on the blog and ensure that you write in paragraphs.